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LadyboyVice features 100% hardcore scenes shot exclusively for this site. Each scene features a submissive kathoey bound for pleasure and unchained only for giving it back. Our masked man hides his identity from these fuckdolls for an extra thrill of anonymous bondage and power plays. Watch as the pressure builds until each cock explodes with warm, salty, cum soaked relief! New Exclusive Members Area Updates Every Week!
LadyboyVice episode 261 with Angel & Ice. Angel was one of the first girls I got to produce porn with when I arrived for my third long stay in Thailand. And what a find she was, I am lucky I managed to squeeze in a bunch of sessions with her... read more
27 minutes | LadyboyVice
LadyboyObsession episode 148 with Melon. I met Melon at a local bar where instead of a having a dance floor with bars and tables around it, the whole joint was just filled with chest height tables bolted to the floor. She was brought along with... read more
24 minutes | LadyboyObsession
LadyboyVice episode 260 with Aum. Aum is one of those girls I don't mind walking around town with, there is this market twice a week near where she lives and usually I pay her a visit after browsing the market for a while. Sometimes she comes with... read more
21 minutes | LadyboyVice
LadyboyObsession episode 147 with Donut. Donut is really really cute, and I love touching her and play with her little limb dick and hear her whine when I flick my index finger against her little balls. She is such a cute girl and so innocent,... read more
22 minutes | LadyboyObsession
LadyboyVice episode 259 with Sunny a.k.a. Emmy. Some ladyboys like cocksure than anything else, and those are the ones you should be going after if you look for hot sex. Emmy is one of those girls that would just fuck all day every if she could.... read more
21 minutes | LadyboyVice
LadyboyObsession episode 146 with Lola. Scandalously cute Lola is always a sight to behold, she is one of those girls that you ask yourself is she either really hot or really not. She looks quite unusual which makes it all the more exciting to get... read more
22 minutes | LadyboyObsession
LadyboyVice episode 258 with Kitty. I know, I know, I often tell my models are the best looking and each one is my favourite but it's hard to choose. Every time I see one of my favourites it's hard to rank them. But if I had to rank them Kitty... read more
22 minutes | LadyboyVice
LadyboyObsession episode 145 with Deedee. Sometimes you come across a girl or a ladyboy in Asia and you're just not sure what you're looking at. All you know is, something about her is super exciting and you try to figure out whether she has a... read more
24 minutes | LadyboyObsession
LadyboyVice episode 257 with Aom. Aom, one of my regular freebee fuck buddies was feeling naughtier than usual and felt like being dominated by an older guy. Well, it's a good thing I am an older guy and I have a dirty mind, I can give her what... read more
18 minutes | LadyboyVice
LadyboyObsession episode 144 with Chotika. Have you ever fantasized about playing with a Japanese school girl after seeing them in photos, videos or perhaps or maybe especially even anime? I know I have, one of the first things I ever saw from... read more
22 minutes | LadyboyObsession
LadyboyVice episode 256 with Wikky. The first time Wikky appeared in my door step I was in lust. She was so petite and nubile had to pinch myself. The second time I saw her, which is for this video, I had this deja vu experience, for a moment I... read more
20 minutes | LadyboyVice
LadyboyObsession episode 143 with Prem. Premmie, the perfect youthful girlfriend that comes very very close to an actual girlfriend. Her small soft hormone breasts beg to be touched all the time, her cute innocent face and shy smile, her soft... read more
22 minutes | LadyboyObsession
LadyboyVice episode 255 with May & Haribo. Both May and Haribo are horny girls with pretty faces, nice dicks and powerful bodies, they both are horny wonderful girls to play with. I had asked both several times if they were up for a threesome, but... read more
22 minutes | LadyboyVice
LadyboyObsession episode 142 with Chloe. OMG! That is literally what I thought when I first saw Chloe look at me from behind a bar when I walked past somewhere in the rotten streets of Pattaya. She gave me a cute shy smile but unlike virtually... read more
28 minutes | LadyboyObsession
LadyboyVice episode 254 with Lyomi. Lyomi has a very pretty face, and I am a sucker for pretty faces, but unfortunately, we have no chemistry, she seems absolutely not interested in me and of course, why would she, she looks so hot, she has guys... read more
21 minutes | LadyboyVice
LadyboyObsession episode 141 with Gale. Whenever I hear that song 'Sweet but Psycho' I kind of have to think about Gale. She has the most cutest of faces, nice body, feminine voice and she is overall just sweet as can be. But she also seems... read more
13 minutes | LadyboyObsession
LadyboyVice episode 253 with Enjoy. Enjoy, who is one of my all-time favourite girls decided to do the boob upgrade, at least, most ladyboys consider it an upgrade but I don't agree in every case, some are simple cuter without any surgery, don't... read more
22 minutes | LadyboyVice
LadyboyObsession episode 140 with Dora. Dora had contacted me on Facebook asking me what I was doing nowadays and where I was. I replied by asking her politely who the F she was. She sent me an LOL and called me teacher, I still had no idea, I... read more
23 minutes | LadyboyObsession
LadyboyVice episode 252 with Gan. You might wonder how come Gan is so slim. It's simple, I take her in for days, lock her down and not feed her, I set the table, serve wonderful food for two but I always eat everything while she watches in hunger... read more
22 minutes | LadyboyVice
LadyboyObsession episode 139 with Pepper. I know what you're thinking, oh man, do we really need another Covid warning? Aren't you done with that yet? And to you I say, nay, I am not done with it yet, I fear we will suffer another virus in the... read more
21 minutes | LadyboyObsession
LadyboyVice episode 251 with Donut. One of my first ladyboy friends I made hanging out in Rachada was Donut. I remember how tall and sexy she was standing at the bar ordering drinks for her friends, she was a head taller than any guy there at that... read more
15 minutes | LadyboyVice
LadyboyObsession episode 138 with Pop. Doll faced Pop is back for another video, I slapped the cuffs and a collar on her to allow for easy access and control. What's better than a smooth fresh ladyboy with a shaven butt and absolutely no hair... read more
20 minutes | LadyboyObsession
LadyboyVice episode 250 with Kim. Kim and her long schlong had been off my radar for longer than I wanted. Rumors were going around that she had bolted the city and left for her hometown for good. Others claimed she moved to good old UK, other... read more
23 minutes | LadyboyVice
LadyboyObsession episode 137 with Bew. A trend that flew over from Japan and was mainly used by Japanese transvestites who posted naughty pictures and videos on Tumblr and Twitter is something I had been seeing less and less. Luckily Bew knew of... read more
28 minutes | LadyboyObsession
LadyboyVice episode 249 with Maew. Have you had the pleasure to spend time with Maew and her epic body and dick? Then you are one of the lucky few, I am happy to report I was one of them myself. I even got her to make sex scenes, unfortunately... read more
22 minutes | LadyboyVice
LadyboyObsession episode 136 with Mona. Sexy petite Mona has one of the hardest bodies and cocks you'll find in Pattaya and so if one gets the chance to have her in your room, one tends to do anything possible to keep her from leaving. One way to... read more
21 minutes | LadyboyObsession
LadyboyVice episode 248 with Kib. Now I've been told that not every guy gets tie tie up or cuff their ladyboy partner for the night when they take them home and sure enough, there ar some guys they perhaps might be better off not to trust fully.... read more
22 minutes | LadyboyVice
LadyboyObsession episode 135 with Pan. As mentioned before, Pan was drafted by the army, either some people over there don't really know what they're doing getting in boys that prefer to be girls and take hormones or they are working on some sort... read more
23 minutes | LadyboyObsession
LadyboyVice episode 247 with Emmie. Emma is back for another dirty little video today. We tried something different, we wanted to have her piss while she was being fucked. I can tell you, that is not easy, but we did give it a try. Though not... read more
17 minutes | LadyboyVice
LadyboyObsession episode 134 with Nana. Sometimes you can't believe how lucky you can get, like literally winning the lottery. Here I was on a visit to Chiang Mai and walking back home from a night of heavy drinking and I ran into a small group of... read more
23 minutes | LadyboyObsession
LadyboyVice episode 246 with Aum. Anyone who has had the pleasure to spend some time together with Aum in a room can attest to the fact that this girl really likes dick. Especially one parking her sweet little asshole. It hurts her ass but she... read more
23 minutes | LadyboyVice
LadyboyObsession episode 133 with Lita. I had seen Lita several times before and she seemed like girlfriend material, I knew full well she was meeting guys for paid sex but I pretended not to know and tried to get her to like me and so I'd have a... read more
21 minutes | LadyboyObsession
LadyboyVice episode 245 with Mimi. Mimi isn't the best lay in town, at least not with me, she might just simply think I am disgusting, can't blame her. But the fact is that she more than loves the things I bring to play with, she loves the way she... read more
21 minutes | LadyboyVice
LadyboyObsession episode 132 with Tanya. Ok, so the both the first and the second session I had with Tanya during her Bangkok visit were a little rough for her because her back-pussy was so tight and inexperienced. I told her to contact me if she... read more
23 minutes | LadyboyObsession
LadyboyVice episode 244 with Koko. Koko is one of my favorites, the first time I met her she didn't speak a lick of English and she had some friend who she called and would translate and just a few meetings in she already spoke English well enough... read more
22 minutes | LadyboyVice
LadyboyObsession episode 131 with Pepper. Some ladyboys are just so darn close to perfection it's scary. Pepper is one fine example, a fit body, firm beautifully shaped breasts, a dick cute and hard and conveniently shaped and pretty, pretty eyes.... read more
23 minutes | LadyboyObsession
LadyboyObsession episode 130 with Nannie. One nice little perk that is sometimes overlooked with ladyboys is that you can cum inside them all you want without risking to knock them up. Of course if you enter the real girl's are it won't happen but... read more
20 minutes | LadyboyObsession
LadyboyVice episode 242 with Kwan. Kwan is a real diva, the problem is that we agree to terms and prices and then when we meet and wrap things up she is always pouty because she misunderstood, I don't know where it goes wrong, how come everyone... read more
22 minutes | LadyboyVice
LadyboyObsession episode 129 with Kitty. One of the most hard work up and comers, Kitty is back for another video. I can't believe how lucky I am to get to spend time with her and make videos together, I mean, if we were in the U.S. or somewhere... read more
23 minutes | LadyboyObsession
LadyboyVice episode 241 with Ice. Some ladyboys are just plain lucky when it comes to looks, a pretty face, nice bone structure, they can look like a woman without too much effort. Ice is one of those elite few, originating from Laos, visiting a... read more
21 minutes | LadyboyVice
LadyboyObsession episode 128 with Lily. Lily, who has unfortunately announced she will quit porn soon because of her boyfriend, had just returned from a sponsored visit to Japan. Part of me had hoped she would have travelled there to shoot some... read more
21 minutes | LadyboyObsession
LadyboyVice episode 240 with Vicky & Namwarn. What's better than to urinate over a girl or a ladyboy to mark your territory? Not much, but marking two in one go is a fun thing to do. So I did just that, watch these two skinny femboys take my piss... read more
22 minutes | LadyboyVice
LadyboyObsession episode 127 with Emmie. I wrote a little poem to show my appreciation for Emmie, it goes a little something like this: Roses are Red, my bed sheets are blue, I am horny and now I will fuck you.. Not good? No, Emmie didn't care... read more
23 minutes | LadyboyObsession
LadyboyVice episode 239 with Kib. One of my all-time favorite special girls is Kibble's with her huge ball sack and her innocent puppy eyes. She has a cute face that could easily be featured in a fantasy movie, she could play some naughty gay elf... read more
23 minutes | LadyboyVice
LadyboyObsession episode 126 with Nonny a.k.a Mi-cha. Mi-Cha, or Nonny if you will, is by far one of the cutest but also hard-working ladyboys I have ever had the pleasure to work with. She is clean, on time, friendly and tries to help out... read more
22 minutes | LadyboyObsession
LadyboyVice episode 238 with Kaow. Kaow is one of those really sweet friendly and shy ladyboys who are filled with sexual urges but won't admit it. It's only when you have know her for a while that she tarts opening up about what she likes to do.... read more
25 minutes | LadyboyVice
LadyboyObsession episode 125 with Venus. Venus is one of the best finds in years, at least I personally think so because I like skinny feminine ladyboys who could fool anyone into thinking they're actually girls. Venus has that really going for... read more
22 minutes | LadyboyObsession
LadyboyVice episode 237 with Benz. If I had the opportunity to live in Thailand, have a house that I could turn into one large sex den, without having to worry about the boys in blue, I would. I would probably hire Benz as my PA and let her do the... read more
21 minutes | LadyboyVice
LadyboyObsession episode 124 with Kim.. Isn't Kim pretty as a picture? She can get a bit possessive which is cute and sometimes worrying but at the end of the day, she is very very sweet and has the most amazing smile. She claimed to not have a... read more
21 minutes | LadyboyObsession
LadyboyVice episode 236 with Koko. Sometimes you have a rough day at work. You arrive late. The last person that took coffee didn't make new coffee. Your boss is yelling at you trying to make something look like it's your fault while it isn't.... read more
21 minutes | LadyboyVice
LadyboyObsession episode 123 with Fa.
I have noticed a few times while walking around the red-light district areas the lovely Ladyboy Fa. She is a street ladyboy meaning she does not work at a bar but instead freelances by picking... read more
21 minutes | LadyboyObsession
LadyboyVice episode 235 with Madonna. Madonna is back with a few upgrades, she had saved up to buy a pair of tits and a new nose, she even had her back tattoo done up a bit. She really takes care of the way she looks and I am always so happy when... read more
21 minutes | LadyboyVice
LadyboyObsession episode 122 with Nonny. Nonny aka. Mi-Cha is my favorite petite femboy. She will always be my adult pizza night, the feeling I get when indulging on that one evening every week where can fulfill my every desire without any guilt.... read more
27 minutes | LadyboyObsession
LadyboyVice episode 234 with Fern. One of the prettiest ladyboys to ever enter porn is back for a rare new video. To make sure she wasn't going anywhere before she had met my needs I locked her down with her wrists to her ankles, her ass up in the... read more
23 minutes | LadyboyVice
LadyboyObsession episode 121 with Mickey. Honestly, I want to know, can you tell me what's better than to wake up on a Sunday morning, well-rested after a good night sleep, no hang over and a petite cute ladyboy with a dick way too big for such a... read more
21 minutes | LadyboyObsession
LadyboyVice episode 233 with Ukiko & Kei. Unfortunately Ukiko was almost never available and she moved to Germany a while ago, at least she let me know a couple of days before she left so I got to make a second video with her before it was too... read more
22 minutes | LadyboyVice
LadyboyObsession episode 120 with Sakura. Sakura is and fro a long time will be, one of the hottest commodities in the city of Pattaya, apart from her flat out refusal to have bareback sex no matter how many tests I throw at her, she won't have... read more
20 minutes | LadyboyObsession
LadyboyVice episode 232 with Pimmie. Pimmie, as cute as she looks, probably would never agree to my dirty mind which only gets more and more kinky as I get older. But you never know if you never ask. Much to my surprise she said she was willing to... read more
18 minutes | LadyboyVice
LadyboyObsession episode 119 with Pepper. And the land of the free!!! You probably already knew, but in case you didn't, Thailand basically means '"free land" and love to enjoy all it's special freedom. Like Bangkok is a city of Angels, I will... read more
21 minutes | LadyboyObsession
LadyboyVice episode 231 with Emmie. Time and time again, guys keep snatching Emmie away from me. It's hard to make appointments for short meetings or overnight stays as guys are pulling at her from all directions constantly. Trying to convince her... read more
21 minutes | LadyboyVice
LadyboyObsession episode 118 with Fay. Every time Fay walks into the room I try to be the perfect gentleman, just like back in the days when I first walked into bars in Thailand back when I was a young buck and wanted to charm the best looking... read more
21 minutes | LadyboyObsession
LadyboyVice episode 230 with Bovei. Yet another one of those extremely unique pretty and polished femboys you just won't find anywhere other than SE Asia. How is this not a girl? Well, ok, her cute little pecker will tell you otherwise but her... read more
22 minutes | LadyboyVice
LadyboyObsession episode 117 with Pepper. The name Pepper is so spot on, I mean, what better way to spice up your sex life than to add a little pepper? This particular unique type of pepper is only available in the hot corners of Bangkok. I swear... read more
23 minutes | LadyboyObsession
LadyboyVice episode 229 with Aum. One of the best things about Aum is that no matter what she wears or what you make her wear, she is always as sexy as can be. Where some girls you need to really dress up to make them look hot, all Aum needs to do... read more
22 minutes | LadyboyVice
LadyboyObsession episode 116 with Natty. Natty needs no introduction, at least, I think so. I didn't need anyone to introduce her to me as I had seen her videos, probably all of them. So when the opportunity presented itself to talk to her when I... read more
22 minutes | LadyboyObsession
LadyboyVice episode 228 with Pop. Pop texted me saying that she had seen some ladyboy video clips featuring ladyboys getting urinated on and asked me if I was the one doing it to them. At first, I denied it but after she said she recognized my... read more
23 minutes | LadyboyVice
LadyboyObsession episode 115 with Mona. I don't know what it is about girls wearing sailor or Navy or stewardess or nurse and so on outfits. But I love it, maybe it's because they are in service to you to make you safe or happy. Or maybe in this... read more
21 minutes | LadyboyObsession
LadyboyVice episode 227 with Belle. Do you like slim petite femboys? I sure do, if you do also, you might be happy to see Belle back for another video. Watch this cute flat chested girl with reddish blonde hair, wear a slave collar and looking... read more
22 minutes | LadyboyVice
LadyboyObsession episode 114 with Ning. To be 100% fair, I think Ning kind of looks like a dude nowadays, or to be 110% honest, she always kind of looked like a dude to me. But she had been on my wish list for ages. She was one of the few ladyboys... read more
22 minutes | LadyboyObsession
LadyboyVice episode 226 with Natacha. I kind of ended up doing this video with her because I got stood up by another model earlier, and then a second time by another girl I, or so I thought, luckily managed to convince to come see me. So I... read more
23 minutes | LadyboyVice
LadyboyObsession episode 113 with Nonny a.k.a. Mi-cha. Personally I rather love JAV. The creativity in kink they bring to the table, it's pretty good when it's good. Their bondage movies are quite fascinating, I would love to have the opportunity... read more
21 minutes | LadyboyObsession
LadyboyVice episode 225 with Sandy 5. For guys who like Femboys that are edging a little bit more towards the boy side, Sandy is just be what the doctor ordered. She herself claims that her short hair triples the number of guys trying to get into... read more
21 minutes | LadyboyVice
LadyboyObsession episode 112 with Nadia. Few things are better than watching a young sexy girl dancing at a strip joint. Something that makes it better is if you're the only ones there and you don't have to compete for eye contact with any of the... read more
29 minutes | LadyboyObsession
LadyboyVice episode 224 with Gan. I hope you like the pretty face and slime sexy body that Gan brings to the table because today she is back for a video and willing to turn a corner in kink. She agreed to try taking my smelly piss and through it... read more
27 minutes | LadyboyVice
LadyboyObsession episode 111 with Premmie a.k.a. Prem. Some ladyboys are just plain old cuter than others, Premmie is in a league of her own, she is nerdy, extremely pretty with dramatic large eyes, she has natural hormone tits, the cutest smile,... read more
21 minutes | LadyboyObsession
LadyboyVice episode 223 with Koko 2. Koko is a bit of a quiet girl, but she is horny and kinky as can be. She is always talking about how she likes to be locked down and used, being able to watch herself in the mirror turns her on even more. So I... read more
22 minutes | LadyboyVice
LadyboyObsession episode 110 with Peach. I don't know what it was, but I honestly fell in love with Peach the moment she stepped into the room, such a cute, friendly and warm face, unlike a large number of ladyboys in SE Asia, she did not look... read more
21 minutes | LadyboyObsession
LadyboyVice episode 222 with Best. Best was in town just to come see me, I could not deny her requests. Her perfect slim petite body, cute face and oversized penis, who could deny her? One of the nice things about Best is that although her... read more
23 minutes | LadyboyVice
LadyboyObsession episode 109 with Mi-Cha a.k.a. Nonny. Have you ever wondered what it would have been like if you were in school and Mi-Cha was your classmate and how she would look? Well, with a little bit of imagination you could get an idea... read more
22 minutes | LadyboyObsession
LadyboyVice episode 221 with Aom. For anyone that is into skinny flat chested femboys that will do anything to please you, Aom should and perhaps already is high on your list of things you want for Christmas, sure sure as shit is on mine. But as I... read more
22 minutes | LadyboyVice
LadyboyObsession episode 108 with Nadia. Yes, I admit it, I am a sucker for tall skinny ladyboys with thick lips and beautiful shiny hair, then if they wear things that are usually meant for younger audiences it makes them so extremely naughty... read more
21 minutes | LadyboyObsession
LadyboyVice episode 243 with Sakura. Sakura and her beautiful slender body are back in another dirty little video. This time she takes a disgusting smelly golden shower. She is booked up nowadays but me personally, I prefer the flat chest look she... read more
24 minutes | LadyboyVice
LadyboyVice episode 220 with Nanny 2. Although Nannie has been packing a few extra pounds over the past few years it doesn't change the fact she still has a very sexy pretty face with her thick lips and big eyes. And since I'm not exactly married... read more
18 minutes | LadyboyVice
LadyboyObsession episode 107 with Patty. I had been trying to get Patty to make porn with me for a while, she had caught my attention when I walked by and she got me to enter the venue she was working for and I knew straight away she'd be hot in... read more
17 minutes | LadyboyObsession
LadyboyVice episode 219 with Haribo. It wasn't the first time I had lost footage and it probably won't be the last, I'm not much for managing virtual files which I cannot place on a shelf or stash away in a box. Haribo's first porn video was... read more
21 minutes | LadyboyVice
LadyboyObsession episode 106 with Nadine. I was hanging around in an area with lots of colleges and therefore even more coffeeshops to have some tea as they wouldn't sell me any spirits. And I noticed the large groups of students walk by after... read more
21 minutes | LadyboyObsession
LadyboyVice episode 218 with Angel. The ever sexy Angel, high on my list of all-time favorites is back for another video, this time she agreed to do a bareback video for all Ladyboy Gold members to enjoy. But I didn't slide inside her without... read more
22 minutes | LadyboyVice
LadyboyObsession episode 105 with Pop. Cute petite Pop had just turned eighteen when we first met, she had a couple of friends who were a few years older than her and she knew they had been making porn videos and she had been wanting to follow her... read more
19 minutes | LadyboyObsession
LadyboyVice episode 217 with Sugas. By now you probably must have seen Sugas in a dirty video sometime, she can't get enough of the attention she gets and loves to show off her body and pretty face. She feels like she is becoming a bit of star and... read more
27 minutes | LadyboyVice
LadyboyObsession episode 104 with Pooh. Today we have Pooh back for another video, me and her go back a long time, I don't mean as in we're close friends, but I do mean when it comes to making porn videos we go back a long time. Nowadays there are... read more
22 minutes | LadyboyObsession
LadyboyVice episode 216 with Nan. Nan is one of the first ladyboys I ever made porn with, back then she was a flat chested teen who was suspiciously well trained at blowjobs. Fucking her in a way too tight school uniform was an experience I'll... read more
21 minutes | LadyboyVice
LadyboyObsession episode 103 with Pepper. Pepper is back for another video today, as if she wasn't feminine and seductive on her won already she decided to wear a white leather collar and cute pink stockings. This girl is so unbelievably sexy with... read more
20 minutes | LadyboyObsession
LadyboyVice episode 215 with Fern. One of the most sought after cutie pies both off and online is Fern, it's a good thing I managed to shoot some videos with her before she decided to stop making porn because she had some guy wanting her to stop.... read more
21 minutes | LadyboyVice
LadyboyObsession episode 102 with Nonny. The danger of being in Asia, more so than being at home in my regular routines. That at any given moment some lovely girl you spent time with before messages you with a picture that makes it very hard to... read more
25 minutes | LadyboyObsession
LadyboyVice episode 214 with Sugas. Sugas was in town for only a few more days before going on a trip with some guy she was going to tour the South of Thailand with. She had been sending me pics of her underwear, at first I thought when I saw the... read more
23 minutes | LadyboyVice
LadyboyObsession episode 101 with Namwarn. Namwarn is kind of unique girl to me, some moments she looks rough as shit, but other moments she is as charming as they come, she's like a chameleon that changes her looks according to her mood. But one... read more
21 minutes | LadyboyObsession
LadyboyVice episode 213 with Jessie. What's there to tell here? Jessie had stood me up causing me to lose money and time so I was simply pissed off at her. So after ignoring her like a the diva I can be, I finally decided to reply and tell her... read more
24 minutes | LadyboyVice
LadyboyObsession episode 100 with Pepper. Pepper and her hypnotizingly cute face and seductive body are back for another video today. She is just so perfect, what a find she was, I am forever thankful to her friends who introduced her to me. Today... read more
21 minutes | LadyboyObsession
LadyboyVice episode 212 with Sakura. Sakura had contacted me saying she had bought body lingerie and wanted to make a video with her wearing it and showing off her body. Personally, I prefer to actually see her body and not have it covered up and... read more
21 minutes | LadyboyVice
LadyboyObsession episode 99 with Tanya. Tanya had met up with me the day before to do her first ever porn shoot but because it was her first time taking a white dick up her ass and she was excited, the pain she experienced took away some of the... read more
22 minutes | LadyboyObsession
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